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Summer of Firsts with Staff at CEWE

3rd August 2021
Ian – SEO Executive at CEWE UK

Ian – SEO Executive at CEWE UK

Ariana – Digital Marketing Manager at CEWE UK

Ariana – Digital Marketing Manager at CEWE UK

Helen – Content Marketing Executive at CEWE UK

Helen – Content Marketing Executive at CEWE UK

Melani – HR Executive at CEWE UK

Melani – HR Executive at CEWE UK

It’s not just our customers that have been making the most of their summer – our staff have been jumping at opportunities to celebrate too! We asked our staff at CEWE UK to share their summer of firsts stories. From a staycation with friends to reuniting with family abroad, discover all of the new memories being made and how our staff are celebrating this summer like it’s their first.

Ian – SEO Executive at CEWE UK
Ian – SEO Executive at CEWE UK

First Trip to Visit His Dad in America After a Year

"Having your parents be some of your best friends is great when they’re around, but when they move over 5000 miles away to return to a house they left behind 17 years ago, it can be difficult. As soon as I had my second dose of Vaccine in mid-May, I contacted a friend to help me get on a flight and go visit my Dad. After only a week of planning and the required tests, I was on a plane, flying in comfort.

After a long flight, an overnight stop, and an 8 hour road trip, I was finally able to share a hug with my dad and see that smile, as well as his ‘cool-dad’ style I missed in person. The next two weeks were filled with adventures in hiking, fishing and retracing steps I had once taken growing up in that house 17 years prior. Though the wonderous occasion had to eventually end, I knew my life in that moment had become a little more content.

I know that my “summer of firsts” is not a common one and I realise that I won’t have the chance to do it again this year. But after two and a half years of not having a holiday, including one year without seeing my Dad, it was a summer that will be unforgettable".

Ariana – Digital Marketing Manager at CEWE UK
Ariana – Digital Marketing Manager at CEWE UK

First Wedding of the Year

"We went to our first wedding of the year on the 3rd of July 2021 at the Lord Leycester Hospital in Warwick, and our first wedding since July 2019. It was very exciting to see people and celebrate such a lovely day with loved ones at this gorgeous venue. We went all out with our outfits, and I made a dress and matching masks for Edward, my partner, and myself as well as a little pocket square from the same vintage material my mum had kept for a special occasion since I was very young.

The bride and groom had rescheduled their wedding a few times across the last 18 months, so were very ecstatic to be inviting their guests to watch them finally get married. What a joyful event it was, filled with good food, funny speeches and videos from those who were too far away and couldn’t travel to join the celebrations.

Despite not being able to dance at the time, we made up for it by doing silly chair dancing with the little ones! It was the first time that we felt like things were a little more back to normal".

Helen – Content Marketing Executive at CEWE UK
Helen – Content Marketing Executive at CEWE UK

First Staycation with Friends

"As an avid traveller who loves to get out and about, discovering new places and exploring different areas both in the UK and abroad, I struggled during the lockdown and missed my adventurous side. I feel like I exhausted all of my local area with daily walks, so was very excited to finally book a staycation with my friends to Dorset for this summer.

At the time of booking, we were still unsure of whether we would be allowed to travel together but we took the risk (and made sure it had free cancellation just in case!). In mid-July, we were so glad that restrictions had eased and we could go on our long-awaited trip! It was my first visit to Dorset and my first trip with my friends after I’d travelled solo for two years prior to the pandemic. That feeling of awe and wonder as we visited some of England’s most beautiful coastlines was just magical. I felt so grateful that we were able to visit and feel so free again. My adventurous side had definitely returned and it was incredible that I also got to share those moments and new memories made with my closest friends too".

Melani – HR Executive at CEWE UK

First Solo Trip to the Beach

"After living in South Africa, I always made sure to check my surroundings when leaving my highly secured home. I always had to stay aware and never walk alone as a woman. With this way of life becoming a habit, I realised that I never did anything on my own. In 2019, I made the brave decision to leave my country and find a new home elsewhere. I moved to the UK and for the longest time I continued to do most things with my husband, until one day I realised that I could go for a walk on my own and breathe that sense of freedom. I felt liberated.

Shortly after, we were met with the pandemic where my life went from feeling free and empowered, to being restricted again. When some of the restrictions started to ease, with more opportunity to travel and see friends within a bubble, I decided to travel on my own for the first time to the beach. At first, so much fear and anxiety set in as I was constantly thinking “what if?.” My mind immediately went into panic mode because I thought “what if my car breaks down?” or something worse. Then I remembered that I left South Africa to be free from panic and anxiety, realising that only I can take this leap over years of fear that has built up inside me.

This is what made my “summer of firsts” so special. For the first time in 11 years, I did something on my own. The closer I got to the beach house, the more I conquered my fear. I had a holiday all by myself; I took long walks, I read books, I had space to be me. Never underestimate the power your freedom brings to your life. For the first time in many years, I felt free".

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