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Corporate & Social Responsibility

As a company, it is absolutely vital to us that we fulfil our responsibilities towards our employees, our customers and our business partners as well as towards society and the environment. Respect, reliability and sustainability are essential tenets of our values as a business.

Compliance Fairness, Trust and Reliability

We traditionally do all our business in compliance with national and international laws and generally recognised ethical principles. Our mission statement is intended to illustrate our corporate culture, which is defined by integrity, trustworthiness and responsibility.


Customer Charter Responsible Digitalisation

As Europe's leading photo service provider and partner for online printing, CEWE wants to remain a technological pioneer and advance new opportunities of digitalisation for this purpose, including artificial intelligence. We represent reflected progress.


Sustainability Management Sustainable governance across all sectors

We aim to continuously improve our sustainability performance and to develop and define the management approach required to achieve this. Learn about the five integral dimensions of sustainability we commit to when it comes to management at CEWE.


Privacy Policy How we protect Your data

CEWE respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. This privacy notice outlines the principles for our responsible, customer-focused approach to digitisation and data protection.


Social Compliance CEWE Code of Conduct

We conduct our business in accordance with national and international laws and ethical principles. Our Social Compliance mission statement clarifies our corporate culture, which is characterised by integrity, trustworthiness and responsibility in all areas of our business.