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Our customers recommend the CEWE Creator Software

Over 35 million downloads and counting. Download yours for free.
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Customise with maps, videos and choose premium templates
Create a photo book in minutes with CEWE Assistant

Explore the range of features available when creating your photo book

Create a stunning photo book with our free CEWE Creator Software

New for CEWE PHOTOBOOK in the latest software update

Even more options for your CEWE PHOTOBOOK design

New premium Book Templates for your travel memories

You can create your very own fully-designed CEWE PHOTOBOOK in just a few steps with Book Templates. New premium templates for your travel photo books, such as “Roadtrip”, offer you fresh, stylish design ideas.

Create your own CEWE PHOTOBOOK templates

With the new CEWE Creator Software version, you can now save your own CEWE PHOTOBOOK designs as book templates, so you can use the same style in your future projects.

Personalised slipcases are now available for XXL Landscape and XXL Portrait photo books

Your most beautiful stories, lovingly wrapped. Store your CEWE PHOTOBOOK in a personalised slipcase, custom made to fit your book perfectly. In just a few clicks, you can get creative with your own design. A custom designed slipcase makes for a perfect finishing touch for a special gift for a loved one.

New text design feature: Write in an arch or circle

A frequently expressed customer wish comes true and expands your creative freedom with photo book design. With this new text feature, you can easily write your text in a circle or an arch to create interesting visual effects.

Moving individual pages

This new function allows you to easily move individual pages within your design.

Opt-in to smart book design suggestions based on your photos

If you activate this function, the software will find the newest photos in your photo folder or a directory specified by you. Your best photos are chosen by our Al tool to create a CEWE PHOTOBOOK. You can open the design in the software via a notification on your desktop.

  • Already designed for you
  • Customise as much as like
  • Can be deactivated at any time

Explore new calendar products and features

Now available in the current CEWE Creator Software version

Natural, sustainable desk calendars

Our popular Personalised Desk Calendar with Wooden Stand has been expanded with new designs in landscape format. What's more, you can now re-order calendar sheets for your existing wooden stand.